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Future in Context
From digital inclusion to AI innovation, we take a look at Government Technology’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers and Drivers and how five of these government technologists are making an impact on state and local policies.
In multiple states, voters will decide whether to reject justices who upheld abortion bans and restrictions. Separately, many prominent Republicans continue to oppose Trump, but that probably won't sway many voters.
A proposed law would require elected county commissioners to be replaced if they fail to attend three consecutive meetings without “good cause.” The rule mirrors an existing law for local school boards.
State officials are offering up to $400 in gift cards to drivers who are willing to try out a new system aimed at replacing the gas tax with funding based on the number of miles a person drives.
Patrick Morrisey earned the Republican nomination for governor in the state's primary election on Tuesday, May 14, with 33 percent of the vote. Morrisey has served as the West Virginia attorney general for 12 years.
Although it’s not unusual for voter rolls to fluctuate, local election officials want residents to know that anyone who didn’t vote in the 2022 general election must register again to vote this year.
Tuesday’s primary elections will feature a handful of millionaire candidates in Maryland, Nebraska, North Carolina and West Virginia. While money does not guarantee political success, it often helps.
The state Legislature passed a “first-grade readiness” bill to require students who do not complete kindergarten to take a test to enter the first grade. If signed by Gov. Kay Ivey, the law will go into effect in July.
Propaganda doesn’t need to go viral to sway elections anymore. That makes artificial intelligence’s impact more insidious and harder to detect.
The Senate ended the legislative session with a 23-12 vote to pass a bill that will provide funding for striking workers. However, filibusters ran the clock out on other controversial bills, including those on Chinese-made drones and climate change.
Stolen and lost firearms are much more likely to be used in crimes, but when it comes to penalties and requirements for reporting thefts and losses, state policies are all over the map — if those policies exist at all.
Despite widespread support for the legislation, state lawmakers have failed to pass a ban on motorist handheld use of cellphones. From 2014 to 2023, 78 people in Iowa were killed by distracted drivers using a cellphone or other handheld device.
Lawmakers in Mountain West seek to provide permanent tax relief without harming local revenue.
A look back to look forward in Cincinnati's best-known urban neighborhood.
Sen. Mike Braun is favored to win next week's primary and then coast to the governorship in the fall. Meanwhile, does it matter that Donald Trump is late in setting up his campaign's ground game?
Some states that allow service members to use the voting system are moving to ban it for everybody else. It doesn’t make sense.