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Tribune Content Agency (TNS) is a team of passionate editors, rights managers and technology experts providing quality content solutions for publishers around the globe. Working with a vast collection of the world’s best sources, TNS delivers a daily news service and syndicated premium content to more than 2,000 media and digital information publishers in nearly 100 countries.

The proposed measures include a bill allowing incarcerated individuals to register and another that would require ID verification.
Republicans are exploring cuts to Medicaid in an effort to pay for the president’s priorities. But public opinion, a divided Senate, and state governors worried about the impact to their budgets could dash those efforts.
The compromise ends a two-week feud over a bill GOP lawmakers passed last month that largely stripped DeSantis of his immigration enforcement powers.
The lawsuit was filed by 22 states known for being powerhouses of biomedical research, including Massachusetts, California, Maryland and New York.
Homelessness in Miami-Dade County has fallen to an 11-year low thanks to new shelters, a state law banning public sleeping, and other measures.
Solutions include funding the federal agency properly, requiring states to share a larger burden of the responsibility and removing barriers to resilience.
“The removal of critical health information from governmental public health sites is chilling and puts the health of the public at risk,” said Richard Besser, a former acting director of the CDC.
Crystal River, Minn., is a freshly incorporated city that lacks money for services and infrastructure. A lobbyist would help secure state funds, but some local officials call the idea a “racket.”
The legislation would block foreclosures and allow homeowners who’ve suffered financially due to the L.A. fires to freeze payments without penalty. Several major lenders have already reached agreement with Gov. Gavin Newsom to provide voluntary relief.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed a bill overturning the state’s work requirements, which had previously been blocked in court. The bill passed in December while Democrats still controlled the Legislature, with Republicans complaining it sent the wrong message to recipients.