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News in Numbers

The average number of annual building...
The share of rural counties that...
The value of unclaimed property...
The number of deaths in...
The size of an accounting error in...
The average salary for 301 new positions in...
The average drop in traffic in...
The estimated price tag for a South...
The number of states that have a minimum wage of...
The annual salary of San Francisco...
The number of live births in Texas in the...
The total increase in registered Democrats in...
The amount of revenue that New York's...
The number of bills filed in the...
Number of states that have not yet regained...
The estimated number of glasses of champagne...
Approximate number of Christmas toys given out to children by a civic association run by Brian Stack, mayor of Union City, N.J., and a state senator.
The difference between the amount of tax revenue projected by the New York City Council and projections from Mayor Eric Adams. The council has consistently projected revenues that are higher than the mayor’s office. Two leaders on the council, Speaker Adrienne Adams and Finance Chair Justin Brannan, argued that the city has the money to invest in parks, mental health and other programs. “Now, we just need an administration that is committed to investing in New Yorkers' priorities and fulfilling their pledges to working-class New Yorkers,” they said in a statement.
The number of Black public school teachers in...
The total amount of money sought from a...
Share of the global population that lives within...
President-elect Donald Trump’s approval rating, according to a survey by Morning Consult. His unfavorability rating is 47 percent, giving him a net approval of 3. While that may not sound high, it’s the best number Trump has registered in this particular poll since April 2017, near the start of his first term.
The average time for Medicaid applications...
Amount the Internal Revenue Service spent...
The projected size of Washington state’s...
The number of states where adultery is on the books as a felony – Michigan, Oklahoma and Wisconsin. In 13 other states, adultery is a misdemeanor, although typically these laws are not enforced. Michigan legislators are attempting to remove this and other “zombie” laws from the books.
The share of non-voters in...
The number of Colorado residents who passed...
The date when the Illinois Department...
The number of ballots cast by...