Mandatory processes and detailed rules have increasingly constrained officials’ discretion, leading to endless lawsuits, decadeslong project delays and multibillion-dollar cost overruns. There’s a better way.
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Covering topics such as corrections, criminal justice, emergency management, gun control and police/fire/EMS.
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If it remains in place, the president’s order will add deep uncertainty to the future of a nascent industry that could provide tens of thousands of jobs and significant clean energy that the grid requires.
Rep. Dustin Burrows is looking to change the dynamic among the "Big Three" – the governor, Lt. governor, and the House speaker – this session.
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Sen. Patty Murray after the Senate confirmed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to his post as Health and Human Services secretary on Thursday. The final vote was 52-48, with Sen. Mitch McConnell, a polio survivor, becoming the only Republican to vote against Kennedy. Sen. Murray cautioned Republicans that accepting Kennedy's nomination could lead to compromising their principles. (TNS — Feb. 13, 2025)