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With the state facing its worst budget gap in two decades, everything from education and juvenile justice to transportation spending is on the line.
Republicans gained a tie in the Minnesota House in November, ending the Democrats' trifecta and halting their heavily progressive agenda.
Vincent Fort served in the Georgia Senate for nearly three decades as a forceful, effective voice for “the least of these.” As he copes with cancer, it's important to acknowledge a vanishing breed of leader.
Panhandle businessman Alex Fairly, the father of an incoming state representative, was already a major GOP donor. Now he's funding a new group to support more conservative politicians.
A bill would shut down public schools that are among the 5 percent worst performers, matching charter school standards. Critics say basing closures on percentages means schools would be lost every year.
Many new laws passed by California contain requirements for progress reports. This year, agencies have sent in such reports only 16 percent of the time.
A measure that provided some hurricane relief was a vehicle for taking power away from executive offices that will be controlled by Democrats next year. The GOP’s legislative supermajority overrode a veto from Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper.
Prosecutors allege that Mike Madigan, the former Democratic speaker, and associates directed companies to provide campaign contributions and no-show jobs to allies. The defense will begin its presentation at trial next week.
Federal law prohibits companies from charging vets for help in filling out disability claims, but there’s no penalty. Maine, New Jersey and New York have passed laws to close this loophole, with more expected to follow.
School vouchers, border enforcement and energy infrastructure are on the GOP agenda in Texas. A fight for speaker of the House could determine its prospects.
Incoming GOP Gov. Mike Kehoe campaigned on a pledge to eliminate personal income taxes. Several bills would cut the income tax to 4 percent while imposing sales taxes on services.
GOP lawmakers want to alter the way state supreme court justices are selected or elected. Some conservative causes in the states, notably abortion bans, have been undermined by court rulings.
Phelan narrowly survived a primary challenge and lacked the support of a majority of House Republicans. Having angered conservatives with the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton, Phelan dropped out the day before leadership elections.
A judge has ruled unconstitutional the core of Act 10, the state’s famous 2011 law that ended collective bargaining for most public employees. Republican legislators vowed to appeal the decision.
State constitutional amendments that voters approved in seven states on Nov. 5 also are vulnerable to federal moves that could essentially override them.