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As many as 450,000 barred owls could be killed across three Pacific Northwest states over the next 30 years to prevent the extinction of another type of owl. The program aims to kill less than 1 percent of the current barred owl population.
A study found that earthquakes before 2017 in Texas’ Delaware Basin originated at shallow depths that correspond to where wastewater from fracking was disposed. Nearly 2,000 earthquakes hit West Texas in 2021.
A Florida startup has installed about 7,500 lights, at least half of which are in Tampa Bay neighborhoods, and estimates they have prevented around 2.6 million pounds of carbon emissions.
Tribes in the Lower 48 states need about $1.9 billion over the next 50 years for climate-related infrastructure needs. But as oceans warm, rise and acidify, Indigenous communities across the coast are especially vulnerable.
The Inflation Reduction Act includes tax credits that reimburse governments for clean energy investments. New online resources make the program more understandable and accessible.
Each year, more trees fall in cities than are harvested from national forests, putting infrastructure at risk. Researchers estimate that urban trees could replace about 10 percent of the nation’s annual lumber consumption.
Nationally, 83 percent of new solar projects developed by 2040 will be installed on farms and ranchland. But some believe that the two industries can exist side by side.
The state’s “exceptional” drought has caused historically low water levels this year, risking pasture loss, severe crop damage and depleting water resources.
The large oil spill was first detected on Saturday and was traced back to a leaking fuel tank at the Crescent Midstream pumping station. So far, 17 aquatic salamanders, two turtles and one crawfish have been found dead as a result.
The money flowing from Washington can go a long way toward decarbonizing the buildings we live and work in. But it’s crucial to design the implementation of these projects to benefit everyone.
Between 2018 and 2022, the Sunshine State saw more than 26,000 emergency room visits and 5,000 hospitalizations for heat-related illnesses. In Miami, there were 46 days of heat index temperatures above 100 last summer.
Michigan’s Homeowners’ Energy Policy Act will take effect in October and will prevent HOAs from blocking the installation of a wide range of energy-efficient measures at their homes. Residents of mobile home communities might be next.
At the current pace of development, the number of public electric vehicle chargers across the nation will outnumber gas stations in about eight years. Many even expect charger momentum to increase, shortening the predicted timeline.
An estimated 9 million water service lines that still carry drinking water to homes and businesses are made of lead throughout the country. Yet an October deadline and a November election could delay replacement.
The water was being siphoned at the top of an old coal ash pond for reuse at the Boswell Energy Center in Cohasset, Minn., but escaped after an underground pipe broke. Experts say the risk is low to local drinking water.
The state’s power grid maintained service throughout a nearly three-weeklong record-setting heat wave. Officials are crediting investments in clean energy, particularly in 10,000 megawatts of battery storage.