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Minorities are underrepresented in nearly every large law enforcement agency in America. Some police agencies are now looking to change that.
Census statistics for Hispanics, whites, blacks and Asians for each state.
Minorities account for the majority of the population in only four states, but that's set to soon change. View updated data for each state.
Read our report on how gentrification has reshaped a growing number of urban neighborhoods.
Statistics on car-free households and numbers of vehicles per household for cities.
Voter turnout for local elections has historically lagged but is getting worse, prompting officials to explore new ways to get people to the polls.
In hopes of reducing the city's high crime rate, Camden, N.J., made a controversial and unprecedented move a year ago to replace its police force.
View police and law enforcement employee statistics for more than 1,000 U.S. cities.
Police staffing levels vary greatly across U.S. cities, averaging about 17 officers per 10,000 residents. View and compare employment data for each jurisdiction.
A recent Urban Institute analysis shows how many years new state workers will need to put in before earning pension benefits from their employers.
Review state graduation rates for public high schools, broken down by race and ethnicity.
Data shows concentrations of public employees for each state.
Federal workforce and numbers of employees by agency for each state.
State totals on active duty, reserve forces and civilian employees for each branch of the military.
View population density and land area data for U.S. cities.