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The state grew by more than 67,000 people in 2023, quelling concerns about the “California exodus” during the pandemic. California lost about 264,500 fewer people to other states last year than in 2021.
The question is whether this is a one-year blip or part of a more concerning shift, but it reflects hard truths about the state of our infant and maternal health care.
But researchers found plummeting inmate totals had no consistent impact on violent or property crime. Local police leaders have pushed back against the findings.
The California city’s council passed a resolution on Tuesday, Oct. 3, that declares mask and vaccine mandates are banned within city jurisdiction, with exception for those who test positive for COVID-19.
The pandemic offered Americans a rare glimpse of a world where vaccines could be distributed efficiently and access was relatively simple. Now we’re back to our old, too often clunky system.
After the federal pandemic-era tax credit expansion ended in the second half of 2021, the child poverty rate more than doubled in 2022. Now, 14 states offer child tax credits and several more introduced bills this year.
The vast majority of Americans will be able to get the new vaccines at no cost through their insurance or from public health sources. But making sure it’s the right match for your plan to avoid paying can be challenging.
The Greater Idaho movement, which wants to secede from the Beaver State and become a part of its neighbor to the east, had sputtered along for years, gaining little traction. But then, the coronavirus hit in the spring of 2020.
The top 10 counties with the largest population gains grew 10 times faster than the national average, impacting school resources, farmland prices and more.
State Sen. Lena Gonzalez has introduced legislation that would give workers at least five days of mandated sick pay every year. It is estimated that unscheduled absenteeism costs employers about $3,600 annually for each hourly employee.
The state’s Labor and Employment Department moved its fraud detection tools to the “highest possible level” in the spring to prevent further fraud. However, the effort has caused significant slowdowns for legitimate claims.
State legislators have passed more than 700 new laws and a variety of notable or controversial laws will take effect this week, including policies surrounding transgender athletes, chaplains in schools and a tampon tax.
Deaths for the first six months of the year are about 7.7 percent higher than they were for the same period in 2019, about a percentage higher than anticipated. The count in six states was at least 15 percent higher than pre-pandemic.
A new poll found that nearly one-third of Americans said the dewormer ivermectin was definitely or probably an effective treatment for COVID-19. It’s not. The limited trust for the media and government had wide partisan gaps.
A patchwork of confusing and sometimes contradictory policies, involving all levels of government as well as health care providers, resulted in a chaotic response. We need to figure out how to upgrade the system for future health emergencies.
The affordable laptops were easy for thousands of schools nationwide to scale up remote learning during the pandemic. Oakland Unified is just one of many districts that will have to retire and replace the tech after it expires just a few years after purchase.