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News in Numbers

The number of state legislative seats...
The increase in participation in...
The number of candidates that will appear on...
The number of reported fatalities at the...
The increase in calls to 988, the nation’s revamped crisis hotline, in...
The national average for a...
Share of electricity generated in Idaho from...
The span in years between the...
The price for West Texas...
The approximate amount McDonalds spent on...
The number of children who...
Lowest temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, reached on...
The number of pounds of...
Number of counties, amounting to nearly 40 percent of the total...
Delinquency rate among commercial mortgage-backed security loans...
The 30-year mortgage rate...
The proportion of U.S. electricity demand in 2023 that was used by...
The number of bills that were...
The maximum number of inches that...
The number of square miles that make up the...
Total state general fund spending expected for...
Amount in federal, state and local taxes paid by ...
The proportion of the seven candidates who have applied to fill a vacancy on the Alaska Supreme Court who are...
The number of school districts the ACLU of Texas says are in violation of...
Number of “base isolators” — flexible discs that act similarly to a car’s suspension — being installed beneath the...
The number of states that are being represented at...
The number of acres that have burned so far in the...
The approximate proportion of workers in Oregon who are...
The number of confirmed tornadoes so far this month...
The top salary for a...