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The guidance that allows states to provide health-care coverage to incarcerated people at least a month prior to their release has gained bipartisan interest. As of last month, federal officials had approved applications from four states.
Wind gusts of 40 to 60 mph contributed to multiple power outages across the Colorado Springs area that left thousands without power and resulted in multiple school closures on Monday.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, at a business conference in California on Monday, May 6, regarding expanding economic opportunities in artificial intelligence for low-income communities.. Hochul has since apologized for the comment, clarifying that she wanted to highlight the inequities in technology access that some communities, particularly low-income or communities of color, struggle with. (Associated Press — May 7, 2024)
The approximate amount of...
Citing political interference from investment firms, legislators in red states continue to restrict a set of investment considerations known as environmental, social and governance (ESG).
The unknowns keep piling up. The stakes are too high to let that continue.
States are beginning to use artificial intelligence to multiply the power of their audit teams. But the tax collectors risk political blowback unless they can convince the public that it’s just the artful tax dodgers they’re after.
The Panoche Water District allegedly stole 130,000 acre feet of water and redistributed it to farmland across Fresno and Merced counties. Now the feds want retribution but not everyone in the region agrees.
Despite widespread support for the legislation, state lawmakers have failed to pass a ban on motorist handheld use of cellphones. From 2014 to 2023, 78 people in Iowa were killed by distracted drivers using a cellphone or other handheld device.
Louisianans across the state are being forced to decide whether to buy insurance policy from small businesses that may fail during the next big storm or buy from Louisiana Citizens, a state-backed insurer that offers costlier premiums.
Inside Winnie’s Wagon is a mobile classroom with learning tools, games and books all designed to provide the state’s homeless children, whose number has dramatically increased since the pandemic, with individualized academic support.
Harris County, Texas, Judge Lina Hidalgo, the county’s top elected official, on Monday, May 6, regarding the heavy rainfall that pummeled the area over the past week. Harris County had a range of between 6 and 17 inches of rain during that time, leading to 233 people and 186 pet rescues. (Associated Press — May 6, 2024)
The amount of snowfall that...
The London transportation agency’s unit has focused on the needs of the customer by leveraging existing assets and shifting from traditional procurement models to engage with private-sector innovators.
Lawmakers in Mountain West seek to provide permanent tax relief without harming local revenue.
Future in Context
With a crowd of more than 900 people, the NASCIO Midyear Conference buzzed with energy about generative artificial intelligence, along with concern that humans remain in charge.
A look back to look forward in Cincinnati's best-known urban neighborhood.
A new bill would require Colorado law enforcement agencies to publish policy on the controversial "prone restraint", a technique that many critics link to the deaths of those restrained facedown.
The number of public libraries in New York City that are open seven days a week.
Washington state House Majority Leader Joe Fitzgibbon, D-Burien, said during the session. (Washington State Press — May 1, 2024)
Faced with penalties ranging from academic probation to arrest, students continue to push back against the idea they should stop protesting.
Rural America’s population grew by 108,000 last year. Ninety percent of that growth was in the South.
It will be one of the most noticeable ways climate change threatens human health in the years to come. It could cause as many as 27,800 U.S. deaths per year by 2050.
By 2030, data centers will need 35 gigawatts of electricity, which is enough to power more than 26 million average homes. Some states are concerned that more data centers will risk the reliability and affordability of local electric grids.
The state grew by more than 67,000 people in 2023, quelling concerns about the “California exodus” during the pandemic. California lost about 264,500 fewer people to other states last year than in 2021.
Last year the state spent more than $170 million to address maternal and infant death, yet rates of infant and fetal mortality, as well as preterm and low-weight births, haven’t improved much since a decade ago.
Joie Henney, a Pennsylvania man, regarding the loss of his emotional support alligator named Wally who has gone missing during a vacation to the coast of Georgia. Henney credits the animal for helping relieve his depression for nearly a decade and has amassed thousands of social media followers. Pennsylvania has no state law against owning alligators as pets, but it is illegal in Georgia to keep alligators without a special license or permit. (Associated Press — May 1, 2024)
The number of deaths overall per...
Sen. Mike Braun is favored to win next week's primary and then coast to the governorship in the fall. Meanwhile, does it matter that Donald Trump is late in setting up his campaign's ground game?
Bringing fiber infrastructure to rural areas is expensive and time consuming. Wise County, Texas, found a way to deliver high-speed Internet access without wires.