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Companies sometimes set “personalized” prices online based on a customer’s ability or willingness to pay, using algorithms and artificial intelligence to sort through data. The FTC is investigating how widespread it is.
Struggling downtowns can embrace a new role as knowledge centers of a changed economy.
Future in Context
State lawmakers are working to define key terms and address risks as AI gets integrated into everyday life. California state Sen. Thomas Umberg talks about balancing regulation and innovation.
AI-trained cameras are putting eyes — hundreds of them — on land across the state. They're spotting fires before the 911 calls come in.
Deloitte has Medicaid contracts with half the states worth at least $5 billion. Critics charge the company with errors that have delayed care.
The city’s approach to cybersecurity risks is at best “informal,” according to Denver’s auditor. Mandatory training is often skipped and oversight of some facilities is lax.
Two executives at Done, a California-based telehealth company, were indicted for allegedly scheming to provide easy access to Adderall and other stimulants to patients who didn’t need them.
The state’s Department of Education failed to act on warning signs of fraud at the nonprofit Feeding Our Future and failed, on numerous occasions, to monitor federal dollars.
The Florida county has begun using a drone to spray hard-to-reach areas to control mosquito populations more efficiently. Already in 2024, there have been seven cases of locally- acquired dengue virus.
During her two terms as mayor of Compton, Calif., Aja Brown focused on improving the lives of the underserved. Now she’s exploring the potential for technology to track how resources are aggregated and used.
Colorado has passed the nation’s most ambitious AI regulatory law. In other states, lawmakers are regulating fake likenesses involving porn, politics and celebrities.
A pilot program will develop generative artificial intelligence tools to investigate near misses of injuries and deaths on California roads to locate hazardous areas and reduce traffic.
A new order from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeks to prod longer-term planning to address growing power demands and the transition to renewables.
Enterprisewide systems enable efficiency and community engagement. With its application of GIS, the city-county government is showing the value of that approach.
Auditors warn of financial consequences ahead of the June 4 primary election if Gregory, Haakon and Tripp counties ban the use of tabulator machines in future elections.
Future in Context
Eric Goldman, associate dean of research at Santa Clara University School of Law, assesses concerns around the impending TikTok ban or buyout. It faces significant First Amendment challenges, he said.