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Friction within the South Carolina Republican Party has led to hordes of aggressive and accusatory campaign materials being sent out to voters. Candidates will now see if their tactics pay off as residents go to the polls for the June 11 primary.
State Sen. Tom Davis wants to eliminate college degree requirements for the majority of state-classified jobs, though no legislation has yet been proposed in the House and it’s unclear if such a bill would pass.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline received more than 371,000 calls, texts and chats in December 2022. New funding has meant more calls are getting answered. Better tech could make it more accessible.
Residents will vote on whether the state general reserve fund should keep 7 percent of the previous year’s state-collected tax dollars and whether the capital reserve should retain 3 percent of the year prior’s revenues.
At least 32 charities that were not registered with the secretary of state’s office received more than $11 million through earmarks over the last two years. Some argue that this highlights a need for earmark reform.
Data collected from sewage water generates more accurate and economical information on COVID-19 activity than reports that depend on positive test results. But funding for this type of analysis hasn’t been reliable.