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Mark Twain famous aphorism, “History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes,” reminds us that while exact circumstances may be unique, patterns do in fact repeat. That is true meteorologically this year as the U.S. navigates through another summer of extreme weather.
From COVID to Lyme disease, there are numerous illnesses that residents across Connecticut and the nation are at risk of. But does that mean we are more at risk today than times in the past?
Nearly 40 percent of Mississippi’s population is Black and yet only 1 in 10 doctors across the state are Black. As a conservative push to ban diversity programs continues to gain strength, it’s unlikely that the state’s racial equity in health care will improve soon.
The new program aims to close health-care gaps when people are released and tackle addiction problems.
Absenteeism rates in K-12 schools are falling but remain higher than pre-pandemic levels.
Since 2010, 149 rural hospitals across the U.S. have either closed or stopped providing in-patient care. Often, communities are left with the empty husk of a hospital, but some communities have found ways to repurpose the buildings.
Vaccine hesitancy has spread from COVID-19 to traditional childhood immunizations. Parents who don't want their children vaccinated have increasing political support.
Deloitte has Medicaid contracts with half the states worth at least $5 billion. Critics charge the company with errors that have delayed care.
Hospitals stuck with unpaid bills will sometimes sell to debt collectors at a discount. The county’s investment could erase 100 times as much in medical debt.
A dozen states have joined a compact to give physician assistants a universal license. It's not a complete solution for the shortage of primary-care doctors, but it should help.
Given driving distances in the vast state, trauma cases are sometimes transported for more than an hour. One physician compares the first-in-the-nation service to fast-food drive-throughs.
Instead of indulging in the sugar high of tough-on-crime legislation, lawmakers should provide the treatment solutions that dramatically reduce deaths, especially in correctional settings.
Two executives at Done, a California-based telehealth company, were indicted for allegedly scheming to provide easy access to Adderall and other stimulants to patients who didn’t need them.
The Florida county has begun using a drone to spray hard-to-reach areas to control mosquito populations more efficiently. Already in 2024, there have been seven cases of locally- acquired dengue virus.
“Staying small is important to me,” says one of the microschool’s founders. “I value the small classes and the strong sense of community here. Everybody knows each other.”
About 150,000 people work in U.S. dairies. But as of May 22, just 40 people connected to dairy farms had been tested for the bird flu, a virus that has been spreading among cows.