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It will be one of the most noticeable ways climate change threatens human health in the years to come. It could cause as many as 27,800 U.S. deaths per year by 2050.
The state grew by more than 67,000 people in 2023, quelling concerns about the “California exodus” during the pandemic. California lost about 264,500 fewer people to other states last year than in 2021.
  • Joie Henney, a Pennsylvania man, regarding the loss of his emotional support alligator named Wally who has gone missing during a vacation to the coast of Georgia. Henney credits the animal for helping relieve his depression for nearly a decade and has amassed thousands of social media followers. Pennsylvania has no state law against owning alligators as pets, but it is illegal in Georgia to keep alligators without a special license or permit. (Associated Press — May 1, 2024)