For Younger Workers, Job Hopping Is the New Normal

A report found that 21 percent of millenials have changed jobs within the past year, which is three times higher than non-millenials. The study also found that 55 percent of millennial workers are not engaged at work.

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(TNS) — As the economic fallout from the pandemic continues to improve, one thing that has been seen is that many younger people are not staying at one job but moving around as they seek the one that best fits how much they want to get paid and the benefits they can get.

Rogelio Treviño, executive director for Workforce Solutions for South Texas, states that he has seen this locally, but it has been mostly exclusive to younger people. He believes that the pandemic and the fact that it changed the way several jobs were done and performed also helped enhance this job-hopping technique for employees to find the position that is best for them.

"This may be a generational issue," said Trevino. "I think we see this more so with the younger generations, primarily with millennials. I read an article where a Gallup report reveals that 21 percent of millennials say they've changed jobs within the past year, which is more than three times the number of non-millennials. The report also revealed that half of the millennials... plan to stay at their current job for more than one year."

According to Treviño, this is because employers see the younger generation is not as engaged in their jobs as the older generations were. He cited the report done by Amy Adkins, "Millennials: The Job-Hopping Generation."

"I believe that the older generation were raised in times where loyalty and staying with your employer were very important, whereas the younger generations have been raised differently and they prioritize their free time and relaxation time more than the older generation did," Trevino said. "Employees who are not engaged in their jobs are more likely to job hop and move to something that may seem more interesting or pays more than their current job."

Treviño states that the Gallup report he analyzed showed that only 29 percent of millennials are engaged at work, which means that only about three in 10 are emotionally and behaviorally connected to their job and company. Moreover, the majority of millennials, about 55 percent, are not engaged, leading all other generations in this category of worker engagement.

In Laredo, some of this job hopping has been seen as well, especially as he states that there was plenty of choice after the pandemic and as businesses reopened following various lockdowns.

Nevertheless, as the situation improved, so did employment numbers and the number of jobs and opportunities available. With a current unemployment rate of 4.2 percent, Treviño states that the city is nearing the levels of employment where it was prior to the pandemic.

"Economists tell us that when a labor market reaches 4 percent, it is very near full employment," Trevino said. "As we get to 4 percent and possibly below, it'll be difficult for some to find employment. However, some employers who have not been able to fill their vacancies may offer higher wages, benefit packages, etc., and it still may be a job seekers advantage to look at those vacancies, although less, as they may be more attractive."

Another reason why job hopping is also becoming very common is due to the fact that some employers are using higher paying rates to attract hoppers to go to them. However, he states that many employers are using the same tactic to make sure their employees do not go anywhere else.

"Employers are trying to do what they can to entice employees to stay," Treviño said. "Primarily after the pandemic certain industries — primarily the service industries — have had difficulty finding employees and retaining employees. Salaries have increased steadily in an effort to attract and retain employees."

Amid the better pay and also the better job opportunity, Treviño said job hopping is not a positive thing. The WSST executive director states that the thought on job hopping has been that it is not very good for an employee because it shows instability and lack of employer loyalty.

Of course, employees must always consider what is best for them and their families and if better opportunities are offered, and it's understandable that they may leave one job for the better salary, benefits and work schedule.

"In my opinion, they should only consider it times when it best serves the employee's needs," Treviño said. "I am not a proponent, and I do not recommend constant job hopping. Unfortunately as I mentioned earlier, it appears that the younger generations are more likely to job hop and are not as concerned as employees who are from older generations. Employers are having to adapt in order to attract and retain employees, so job hopping is becoming something that employers are having to become accustomed to."

In terms of how often an individual should consider job hopping, Trevino states that it is different if the employer is dealing with a young employee who is taking entry-level or temporary seasonal jobs then job hopping, as that would not look as bad.

"However, if you are looking at professional career type jobs, in my opinion, it would be better on the person's work record and history if they keep job hopping to a minimum and not very often," Trevino said.

As for employees currently satisfied in their jobs but potentially wanting more money, he states that this can be done as well. However, he believes that an individual's actions should lead to them being put in position for a higher salary..

"I think the first talking should be done through actions," Trevino said. "A good loyal employee who works hard for his employer and produces for the employer should be able to approach his employer and discuss wages and possible raises. Of course, it should be after the employee has shown his worth to the company, so perhaps after a year of dedicated work, then it would be appropriate to discuss wages with the employer."

(c)2022 the Laredo Morning Times (Laredo, Texas) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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