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The American Society of Civil Engineers gave our airports, roads, bridges and drinking water a C- in its latest report card, calling it a modest improvement. But the bill on progress is a long way from being paid off.
With the feds leading the way, states are reopening their health-care exchanges to uninsured and eligible residents as part of the latest COVID relief plan. But not all enrollment windows are the same.
Over the past several decades, spending on jails has grown significantly. As the coronavirus pandemic reduces revenue and forces budget cuts, cutting jail expenditures could save cities and counties billions of dollars.
An analysis of the most recent Annual Survey of School Systems Finances data reveals where public elementary-secondary school systems get their funding from and where they spend it.
Recent data shows that while overall spending has increased, there is great variation among states on public education expenditures per student. The average is $12,612, but New York spends nearly double that amount.
Newly released data shows an increasingly diverse American population. About 30 percent identify as racial or ethnic minorities, according to the latest Census Bureau estimates.
All states have begun phased reopening. An updated version of an earlier Governing resource page provides new maps that offer instant insight into progress toward COVID-19 containment in each state.
Governing is building a 50-state map to visualize the changes underway to declare states “Open for Business” even as the coronavirus remains at large across the country.
Plus, where the funding comes from and how it's spent in each state.
Connecticut tops the list of states whose taxpayers receive the least bang for their buck from the feds.
Some say police officers are increasingly reluctant to intervene in dangerous situations, fueling a crime wave in cities throughout the nation. Others say that's just not true.
Several factors are behind the drastic differences in funding.
View numbers of local school districts and student enrollment statistics for states and metro areas.
Voters made Texas the 19th state to add legal protections for hunting and fishing, which are now also the preferred methods for controlling wildlife.
View demographic data showing representation of racial and ethnic minorities in each police department.