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Dozens of jurisdictions are seeking damages from fossil fuel companies. Jeffrey B. Simon, an attorney representing Multnohmah County, Ore., talks about the ways science and precedent will influence the success of their cases.
The field of public health has been notoriously behind the times when it comes to data. Dr. Philip Huang has changed that in Dallas County, while helping other communities to modernize.
Massachusetts has the lowest rate of traffic deaths per vehicle mile traveled, according to recently published federal data. State transportation leaders credit safety strategies — and congestion.
Monica Márquez is the first Latina and openly gay chief justice in the state. She inherits a system rocked by various scandals, high turnover among judges and continuing growing pains from the switch to virtual court.
Jonathan Daniels, an experienced crisis manager, is getting Baltimore’s port back in business.
Tom Perez, the White House intergovernmental affairs director, looks to states and localities to carry out much of the administration’s agenda.
Regardless of the continuing partisan debates about climate change, Republican-led states are benefiting economically from clean energy investments.
Members of the youngest generation of adults are starting to hold office.
Frank White was a Hall of Fame second baseman for the Royals. As county executive, he persuaded voters that sales taxes for a new stadium were a bad idea.
Minnesota state Rep. Frank Hornstein, a 22-year veteran of the state House, will not run for re-election this year. Colleagues say he’s left an imprint on transportation policy and the culture of the Legislature.
A conservative coalition is hoping to make private school choice universally available in half the states by the end of 2025.
Thousands of county officials came to Washington, D.C., to make the case with Congress that funding counties directly is the best way to improve lives across the country’s diverse rural and urban communities.
Tech entrepreneurs make the case that government and big tech will both benefit by sharing a focus on the public good.
The Inflation Reduction Act includes $1 billion to help states implement modern building codes. The CEO of the International Code Council outlines both obvious and underappreciated reasons they are essential.
James Brainard has stepped down after seven terms leading Carmel. The Indianapolis suburb has become a widely cited model for urban design.
James Brainard is stepping down after leading Carmel, Ind., for 28 years. He’s best known nationally for building roundabouts and promoting local climate efforts, but his legacy rests with how he rebuilt the Indianapolis suburb.