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The city’s Solid Waste Management estimates that it receives thousands of complaints about missed trash pickups. But officials have a $6 million plan that could fix the problem.
Long Beach, Calif., has launched a digital rights platform that consists of data privacy notices for city-deployed technologies. Residents can find out what personal data is taken, how long it’s stored and whether it's shared or encrypted.
CrowdStrike’s botched cybersecurity update affected airlines and other entities all over the world. Here’s how police and fire departments coped in the Arizona city.
Some locals of Stone Harbor, a wealthy Jersey Shore community in Cape May County, N.J., worry that the town’s parking app, ParkMobile, doesn’t always work and, as a result, is discouraging travelers from stopping.
The Chicago mayor has raised $2.6 million since his election in April 2023. Nearly half of those funds come from unions. Another large check was from Grammy-winning rapper Lil Durk.
Under a new mandate, city workers returned to the office full time last week. However, about a dozen workers described the chaotic transition that included animal droppings, missing desks and ongoing construction.
Florida’s once crime-ridden metropolis has forged a new identity in the 21st century.
The proposal would increase property taxes to fund new sidewalks, bike lanes, and other transportation infrastructure. It would replace a $930 million levy expiring this year.
Atlanta limits e-bike motors to 20 miles per hour on shared-use paths, but there have been several reports of bikes traveling at speeds up to 70 mph.
The top 10 percent of drivers in the U.S. consume more than a third of the gasoline. Some lawmakers hope targeting them with EV incentives will help reduce emissions more quickly.
The Bay Area city had recently touted a 33 percent year-over-year decrease in crime. But a review of police data found that the city overstated the improvements and has been using incomplete information for years.
The Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers ranked the state first in terms of the share of women who serve in municipal government, at 46.1 percent. The center also ranked Colorado second among states for women legislators.
New York and other cities are changing their zoning codes to allow clean, small-scale production in their commercial corridors. Opening up retail spaces to “artisanal manufacturing” has many benefits for communities.
The changes in Houston Independent School District rival some of the most significant shake-ups to a public school system ever. Could it change schools nationwide?
At least four cities across the state are replacing traditional Fourth of July firework displays with laser and drone shows.
There are strong models for combating youthful disillusionment. San Francisco’s Youth Commission should be replicated across the country and a White House Office of Young Americans could address issues that affect everyone.