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The Chicago mayor has raised $2.6 million since his election in April 2023. Nearly half of those funds come from unions. Another large check was from Grammy-winning rapper Lil Durk.
When it comes to public-sector jobs and elective office, age discrimination is real. Governments would do well to tap into the experience and the particular type of intelligence that people of a certain age can bring to bear.
If a presidential nominee drops out, there are wildly different answers to what happens across the nation. Experts say it’s likely the Supreme Court would settle the resulting mess.
A second Trump administration would likely mean looser regulations and higher tariffs on foreign imports, which would likely benefit health care, banks, cryptocurrency and oil stocks.
On the first day of the Republican National Convention, Trump announced Sen. J.D. Vance as his vice president running mate. Vance was once a sharp critic of Trump but then rode the president’s support to the Senate in 2020.
On Thursday, John Dougherty was sentenced to federal prison following convictions of bribery and embezzlement. Dougherty led the state’s most powerful labor union for nearly 30 years.
Name recognition is central in the GOP primary. Also, California lawmakers find compromises to head off ballot initiatives. Plus, the reasons governors make good running mates.
Members of the youngest generation of adults are starting to hold office.
The Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers ranked the state first in terms of the share of women who serve in municipal government, at 46.1 percent. The center also ranked Colorado second among states for women legislators.
Do some politicians get into trouble because they believe they can get away with anything?
Frank White was a Hall of Fame second baseman for the Royals. As county executive, he persuaded voters that sales taxes for a new stadium were a bad idea.
Breaking a years-long impasse, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to increase transparency for the governor and lawmakers. The bill still offers them some loopholes, however.
Justices found that a federal statute that bans bribery does not apply to “gratuities” paid to elected officials for past acts. The case pertained to a former mayor but has implications for charges against former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan.
A new poll found that roughly three-quarters of registered voters would like to see term limits enacted or shortened for county supervisors, district attorneys and sheriffs.
Political independents — those who don’t vote consistently for one party or the other — have views that align with their lived experience. Democrats and Republicans? They just follow the party line.
The decision bars judicial hopefuls from declaring partisan affiliation but not positions. “To describe oneself as a ‘conservative’ does not signal bias, pro or con, toward anyone or on any issue,” the court found.