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Her poll numbers mean down-ballot Democrats have more hope than they would have under President Joe Biden. Democrats will also be supporting abortion ballot measures in at least eight states.
After President Biden's withdrawal over the weekend, the vice president may tap a state executive as her vice presidential pick.
The Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers ranked the state first in terms of the share of women who serve in municipal government, at 46.1 percent. The center also ranked Colorado second among states for women legislators.
Women make up only 12 percent of police officers nationwide. One initiative aims to triple that.
Attorney General Kris Mayes has opened an investigation regarding the payment Gov. Katie Hobbs received from a residential homes company after the state increased funding for the organization.
During her two terms as mayor of Compton, Calif., Aja Brown focused on improving the lives of the underserved. Now she’s exploring the potential for technology to track how resources are aggregated and used.
Lacey Beaty came into office as mayor of Beaverton, Ore., with less power than her predecessor. That hasn't stopped her from taking on the city's biggest issue.
Despite the state’s population being half women, 68 percent of the seats in the Legislature are filled by men. Pennsylvania ranks 14th for women representation in state politics since 2019.
The Biden administration has updated Title IX to cover sexual orientation and gender identity. Officials in red states are suing to block what they call “gender ideology.”
Admissions offices are trying everything from entrepreneurship programs to hunting classes.
A new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute finds that a significant majority of religious Americans think abortion should be legal in most or all cases.
Last year the state spent more than $170 million to address maternal and infant death, yet rates of infant and fetal mortality, as well as preterm and low-weight births, haven’t improved much since a decade ago.
Gov. Tim Walz appointed Theodora Gaïtas and Sarah Hennesy to the state’s highest court on Monday. When Gaïtas and Hennesy join the court, Walz will have selected four of the seven justices.
State Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley won’t run for re-election in 2025, giving conservatives a better shot at regaining their majority. Bradley was first elected to the court in 1995.
With their numbers up more than 50 percent since 2016, women have achieved near-parity on councils in 15 major cities. Salaries on those councils have climbed an average of 27 percent.
After serving for years as a top prosecutor, Liz Murrill was elected as AG last November. She spoke with Governing about some of her priorities.