Lots of prosecutors, judicial staff and jurors lost their homes. Many others left court because they felt ill from dangerous air.
The unanimous vote supports the removal of a rule that allows renters to be evicted when landlords remodel their buildings.
The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority has a $3.3 billion list of projects to achieve ahead of the 2028 Games that is only 5.2 percent funded so far.
A ballot measure would replace an existing tax with a larger one, raising more than $1 billion annually to fund a wider variety of services. It faces an uncertain future at the ballot box.
Warehouses and other facilities have been expanded since pandemic-era supply chain disruptions, leaving L.A. and Long Beach ready to increase volume if East Coast port workers strike this week.
Falling borrowing costs could trigger a flood of additional buyers and send home prices higher but, for now, the number of homes for sale is increasing modestly, rates are falling and home price growth is slowing.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that California could lose up to 75 percent of its beaches in the next 75 years. The changes have sparked multimillion-dollar restoration projects and lawsuits along the state’s coast.
The Los Angeles Superior Court system has more than 125 court reporter vacancies, which raises due process concerns for people in child custody disputes, divorces, conservatorships and other proceedings.
Automated external defibrillators are safe and easy for just about anyone to use, and they could save the lives of thousands of cardiac arrest victims every year. Making them available in public spaces is a job for state and local policymakers.
On July 19, the Los Angeles Superior Court detected a security breach that forced it to temporarily close for two days, postponing trials and other essential courtroom work. The public deserves a thorough report on what happened.
As the transit agency publicly worked to ensure their riders felt safe during their daily commutes, top executives experienced an internal breakdown in communication so bad that it resulted in a wrongful-termination lawsuit.
Long Beach, Calif., has launched a digital rights platform that consists of data privacy notices for city-deployed technologies. Residents can find out what personal data is taken, how long it’s stored and whether it's shared or encrypted.
The state’s largest law enforcement organization found that police staffing in the state is at a 30-year low and is especially bad in rural counties.
A study by Rand Corp. found that homeless encampment cleanups across Los Angeles saw immediate reductions but within a month or two, the numbers went back to the former level.
The school board is expected to vote Tuesday to ban student use of phones throughout the school day, citing distraction. The policy would take effect next year.
More than 200 children live on Skid Row, a majority of which stay in the only homeless shelter in the neighborhood that allows families. Advocates are urging the city to do more to help.
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