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The Future of Work: Building a Government Talent Strategy for 2022

What State and Local Leaders Need to Know to Modernize Workforce Planning

The state’s Department of Labor and Industries has failed to collect millions of dollars from employers that the agency says it owed to more than 1,800 workers across the state.
After shedding nearly 1 million jobs, staffing levels are now higher than at the start of 2020. But severe shortages remain in several fields such as nursing, public safety and education.
It takes partnerships among school districts, higher education, employers and community leaders to unlock the potential for more students to earn a degree that leads to significantly higher lifetime earnings. States can do a lot to make that happen.
In February, the state reached an unemployment rate of 5.3 percent, the highest in the country. Since 1976, California has created more jobs than any other state (9.7 million), accounting for 13 percent of all U.S. hires.
Total hired farm labor in the state dropped 23 percent from 2017 to 2022, more than twice the national rate of decline. Migrant farm labor fell even more.
The program has cost taxpayers at least $26 million so far, with more than 90 percent of those funds going to administrative and consulting costs. About 3,500 people have signed up since July.
The California state Supreme Court ruled that employers across the state must pay their workers for the time they spend driving to the gates and being searched, as well as when they are required to stay on campus during lunch.
The site is expected to generate approximately 1,000 construction jobs immediately and 1,400 jobs once the center is finished. The center will be Google’s first in Missouri.
Pay and benefits are important, but a better-trained, more professional workforce is crucial as well. State child-care administrators and agencies are key to making it happen.
Miami-Dade introduced a first-of-its-kind policy that would require employers to provide water, rest and shade to outdoor workers on hot days. The Legislature quickly sought to pre-empt such rules.
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The debate over workspace digitalisation and how to promote collaboration is timely, as more companies are completing their digital transformation.
Just as private-sector companies are preparing their organizations for teleworking, state and local governments need to do the same.
A cooperative contract is an agreement between a local, state, regional, or federal government and businesses. The contract secures affordable rates and establishes delivery terms on goods that many agencies or offices need to have.
Whether your agency is already a well-oiled DevOps machine, or whether you’re just in the beginning stages of adopting a new software development methodology, one thing is certain: The security of your product is a top-of-mind concern.
The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2022, over half of the workforce will require significant reskilling or upskilling to do their jobs—and this data was published prior to the pandemic.
A new operating model is emerging for state and local government leaders as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s transforming the delivery of citizen services and engagement in ways that will accelerate resiliency in government. It will also help government attract, support, and retain the next generation of workers. But what changes will it bring and how can you prepare?
Now that 2021 is upon us and there is a faintly visible conclusion to the pandemic, the question remains — will public-sector contact centers revert to the models they had relied on prior to COVID-19?
While the key focus on cybersecurity and network safety will remain paramount in 2021, ongoing remote work will present opportunities for training, awareness building and collaboration.