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Ellen Perlman

Ellen Perlman

Former columnist

Ellen Perlman was a GOVERNING staff writer and technology columnist.

Does Hollywood have a water cooler? If so, someone should put up this quote from Martin Sheen somewhere near it, for all the celebrity political ...
Out of curiosity, I went to a sex offender Web site this morning to see if any such people lived near my home. (This is ...
There's a gas-up game people on the East Coast play, when driving from New York to Washington, or vice versa. Can you make it to ...
We really want you to share your opinions on what we write here on the 13th Floor. But we ask that you don't rant, rave ...
Talk about variety. The Utah Senate has a blog that one day has pols and citizens squabbling over how to spend a $1 billion surplus, and ...
Sometimes you forget the crazy assortment of details a city mayor has to attend to. That is, until you read a headline such as, "$1.4 ...
The L.A. Times says a California sex offender program was criticized by state lawmakers who complained that 23 offenders had been housed within 11 miles of ...
For those who think offshore oil rigs ruin the view, how about floating toilets? But the latter could be an environmental lifesaver. Virginia wants to ...
It happens in the medical field and apparently it also happens in government. For a long time, researchers used men for studies on heart attacks ...
Yes, we all know politics is local. Sometimes, it's also individual. Yesterday morning I was biking to work and came across about eight people spread ...