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Covering topics such as corrections, criminal justice, emergency management, gun control and police/fire/EMS.
The city was already in the grip of an affordability crisis — last month’s massive fires just made everything worse. What can L.A. learn from other disaster recovery efforts?
A visa program created under NAFTA allows Canadian and Mexican professionals to work in the U.S. with minimal red tape. But to take advantage of it, states need to look at the Catch-22 situation created by their occupational licensing requirements.
  • A Florida Republican, discussing the possibility that Casey DeSantis will run to replace her husband Ron next year, when the governor is term-limited. Rep. Byron Donalds, a close ally of President Trump, has openly talked about running, but many donors and GOP operatives are hoping that Casey DeSantis will run and say that scenario is becoming increasingly likely. Last year, she said, “When people start talking about, ‘Oh, you know, you should run,’ that’s because Gov. DeSantis is a rock star and that’s because people are so proud of everything that he’s done for this state.” (NBC News)