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The state’s ballot measures are just two of nearly a dozen from across the nation that aim to reduce taxes for some or all property owners. One Colorado initiative would cap annual state property tax revenue growth at 4 percent.
The Inflation Reduction Act includes tax credits that reimburse governments for clean energy investments. New online resources make the program more understandable and accessible.
The continuing injustice of Flint should be a wakeup call. With billions flowing from Washington and millions of lead pipes still in place across the country, now is the time to establish access to clean water as a human right.
States can compensate with vehicle and odometer taxes, but local governments can harness new data technologies — including GPS, 5G and AI — to meet the need for more than states’ hand-me-down dollars.
They don't do much to generate economic activity, often hurt taxpayers they’re intended to help, inject instability into revenue streams, and create administrative and compliance costs for businesses, governments and consumers.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development will change its rule that treated service-related disability benefits as income. Now disability compensation will be counted just for income to calculate the amount vets must pay for rent.
As billions flow from Washington to extend fast and reliable Internet to underserved areas, policymakers should rely on the experienced, established providers that already know how to get this difficult job done.
Federal aid helped states and localities cope with the biggest costs of the pandemic. But good things don’t last forever, and this one didn’t.
The money flowing from Washington can go a long way toward decarbonizing the buildings we live and work in. But it’s crucial to design the implementation of these projects to benefit everyone.
Data centers are popping up across the state as they get hundreds of millions in state and local tax breaks each year. But some experts worry that the facilities may soon overburden the available power supply.
Tom Perez, the White House intergovernmental affairs director, looks to states and localities to carry out much of the administration’s agenda.
Audits in a number of states have found that tax incentive programs for film and TV end up as money losers. Although some states are considering capping their programs, more are expanding theirs.
A second Trump administration would likely mean looser regulations and higher tariffs on foreign imports, which would likely benefit health care, banks, cryptocurrency and oil stocks.
The major public funds have almost doubled their investments in high-fee, nontraditional vehicles, and important new research shows how costly it’s been. It’s a wake-up call for greater scrutiny of fee structures and consultants' assumptions.
As cars become more fuel efficient and EVs become more prominent, states will not be able to rely on gas taxes for much longer. But some states are considering fees on Amazon deliveries as part of their road-funding solution.