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I've earned the right to vote. Whether I use it or not is up to my personal discretion. They don't take away my right to buy a gun if I don't buy a gun.

Larry Harmon, a U.S. Navy veteran who didn’t vote in the 2009 or 2010 elections and didn’t respond to a mailed notice from Ohio’s election board. When he went to the polls in November 2015, he learned that he had been removed from the state’s voter rolls. He is the plaintiff in a U.S. Supreme Court case against Ohio about when it's legal to kick inactive voters off registration lists.

Larry Harmon, a U.S. Navy veteran who didn’t vote in the 2009 or 2010 elections and didn’t respond to a mailed notice from Ohio’s election board. When he went to the polls in November 2015, he learned that he had been removed from the state’s voter rolls. He is the plaintiff in a U.S. Supreme Court case against Ohio about when it's legal to kick inactive voters off registration lists. 

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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