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"No miner should ever have to sacrifice their health or lungs in order to provide for their family.”

Chris Williamson, the assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health, regarding new federal guidelines that protect coal workers from toxic silica dust. The updated rules will make the exposure limit to silica dust twice as restrictive as currently allowed and will directly regulate exposure so that citations and fines are possible when miners are overexposed. (NPR — April 16, 2024)

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  • Sara Bristol, mayor of Grants Pass, Ore. The town’s policies regarding homelessness are the subject of a case that will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on April 22. The case will have an effect on communities nationwide, deciding whether they can fine or jail people for camping in public. From 2013 to 2018, Grants Pass, which has 40,000 residents, issued 500 citations for camping or sleeping in public, including in vehicles. (Associated Press — April 13, 2024)
  • Carol Topinka, a retired St. Francis, Wis., superintendent, regarding a job listing for the Cedar Grove-Belgium School District in Sheboygan County, Wis. It listed “Christian values” and “conservative politics” as desired characteristics for a new superintendent at a public school. The qualification has since been removed. It was “a comment made during the focus groups,” according to the law firm aiding the school district with the job search. (WPR — April 11, 2024)
  • Matt Juanes, a salmon fisherman in California, regarding the state’s decision to close the commercial salmon season after not enough fish were able to swim upriver to spawn. This is the second year in a row that the Pacific Fishery Management Council has voted to close the season, harming hundreds of commercial fishers and tribal members who rely on the season for their livelihoods and food supplies. This year’s scarcity of Chinook salmon is tied to California’s last drought, as the fish have a three-year life cycle. (KQED — April 10, 2024)
  • Charlie Kirk, of the Nebraska Republican Party, regarding the state’s current election system of splitting electoral votes by congressional district. There is a growing movement to implement a “winner take all” system for the state’s presidential vote. (Associated Press — April 10, 2024)
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