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“It has to be just as easy as buying heroin, basically.”

Stephen Murray, an overdose survivor and former paramedic who now researches overdoses at Boston Medical Center, regarding his belief that naloxone, commonly known by its brand name Narcan, should be more widely available to help prevent overdose deaths. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found in 2021 that 40 percent of overdose deaths happen when someone else is present and possibly able to administer the life-saving drug. (Associated Press — Jan. 29)

More Quotes
  • GLAAD’s Tony Morrison, regarding the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s proposed guidance to ease restrictions around blood donations by men who have sex with men. The restrictions were set in place in the early days of the AIDS epidemic to protect the blood supply from HIV; the new policy would eliminate time-based restrictions on men who have sex with men (and their female partners) and instead assess potential donors’ eligibility based on a risk assessment. (NPR — Jan. 27, 2023)
  • U.S. Rep Jake Auchincloss, regarding the speech he gave about a bill that would establish a joint U.S.-Israel artificial intelligence center that was entirely written by the online AI chatbot ChatGPT. His staff believes it is the first time that an AI-written speech was read in Congress. To create the speech, Auchincloss prompted the system to “write 100 words to deliver on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives” about the bill; he had to refine the prompt several times before it rendered the speech he ultimately read. (Associated Press — Jan. 25, 2023)
  • Lina Alathari, the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center’s director, regarding mass shooting attacks. The center recently published a report that analyzes 173 mass attacks carried out over a five-year period from January 2016 to December 2020 and found that the attackers were overwhelmingly men. The report also found that half of the mass attacks analyzed were sparked by personal, domestic or workplace disputes. (Associated Press, Reuters — Jan. 25, 2023)
  • Dr. Rachel Bronson, president of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, commenting on why the Doomsday Clock on Tuesday was set at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to midnight it has ever reached. Since 1947, the Bulletin has been estimating how close the world is to ending by stating how many “minutes to midnight” remain on its signature clock. (The New York Times – Jan. 24, 2023)
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