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“It’s just happening way too often.”

Lina Alathari, the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center’s director, regarding mass shooting attacks. The center recently published a report that analyzes 173 mass attacks carried out over a five-year period from January 2016 to December 2020 and found that the attackers were overwhelmingly men. The report also found that half of the mass attacks analyzed were sparked by personal, domestic or workplace disputes. (Associated Press,Reuters — Jan. 25, 2023)

More Quotes
  • Dr. Rachel Bronson, president of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, commenting on why the Doomsday Clock on Tuesday was set at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to midnight it has ever reached. Since 1947, the Bulletin has been estimating how close the world is to ending by stating how many “minutes to midnight” remain on its signature clock. (The New York Times – Jan. 24, 2023)
  • New York state Sen. Brad Hoylman-Sigal, one of several Democratic lawmakers in a handful of states who are trying to pass legislation that would prohibit anyone convicted of participating in an insurrection from holding public office or a position of public trust. Some Republicans argue the bills are unnecessary. (Associated Press — Jan. 22, 2023)
  • Kyle Starks, a California resident who had to be rescued from his home in Acampo by boat, regarding the flooding that occurred after a string of heavy storms hit the state. Only about 230,000 homes and other buildings have flood insurance policies in California, which amounts to only about 2 percent of properties. Since Christmas, 32 trillion gallons of rain and snow have fallen across the state. (Associated Press — Jan. 20, 2023)
  • South Carolina state Sen. Sean Bennett, who has an approximately 95-mile commute to the Statehouse, said jokingly regarding a bill that would increase the fine that police can issue to people driving slowly in the left lane of interstates and other multilane highways. The so-called “slowpoke” bill was passed in 2021. Senators on a subcommittee said they noticed compliance when the law was first passed but that slower drivers have started to creep back toward the left lane. The fine will increase from $25 to up to $100 but is not a criminal penalty and does not get reported to a driving record. (Associated Press — Jan. 18, 2023)
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