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“I think … we have a statewide solution to the trash problem.”

Robert Mellion, the executive director of the Massachusetts Package Store Association, suggesting a deposit system for 50- to 100-milliliter alcohol bottles as a way for the state to incentivize properly disposing of the bottles. Boston has proposed a citywide ban on the bottles to address both alcohol abuse and excessive litter. (Associated Press — April 6, 2023)

More Quotes
  • John Fea, a historian at Messiah University, regarding the comparisons that some Christians have been making between the indictment against Trump and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. (Associated Press — April 5, 2023)
  • Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, regarding the April 4 election that will determine one seat on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court that could switch the court’s majority in favor of the liberals. The race is the most expensive in state supreme court race history, with spending tripling an old national record, topping at an estimated $45 million. (NPR — April 4, 2023)
  • Larry White, a self-described Republican conservative, regarding how the indictment of former President Donald Trump has influenced him to switch his presidential nomination vote from Ron DeSantis to Trump. Many Republicans who were willing to vote for another Republican candidate have changed their minds since the news of the indictment and are now looking to support Trump in 2024. (Reuters — April 3, 2023)
  • Idaho state Senate Minority Leader Melissa Wintrow, regarding a bill that would make it a criminal offense to help pregnant minors get an abortion across state lines without parental consent; if convicted, the penalty could be two to five years in prison. Supporters of the bill call the potential crime “abortion trafficking,” while opponents questioned the legality of the legislation since federal law regulates interstate travel. Idaho only allows the procedure to be performed in cases of rape, incest or if the mother would die without one. (NPR — March 30, 2023)
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