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Mattie Quinn

Staff Writer

Mattie covers all things health for Governing. A native of Arkansas, she graduated with her M.S. from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism with a focus on public health reporting. Her work has been published in National Geographic, New York Magazine and The Atlantic.

On Monday, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed the nation's first "public option" health insurance bill. Other states aren't far behind.
States are receiving mixed messages from the federal government and have unanswered questions about their plans to lower drug prices.
The population experiences homelessness at disproportionate rates.
Due to the high cost of naloxone, only a fraction of the nation’s police departments equip their officers with it.
These clinics have radically changed how addicts are treated and reduced opioid overdoses in other countries. But the U.S. cities trying to open one are facing intense pushback.
Minnesota and Ohio are weighing whether to repeal loopholes that make it legal to rape your spouse.
Even though a federal judge put the policy's legality in doubt, the Trump administration approved Utah's work requirement waiver on Friday. Meanwhile, Indiana already started phasing them in, and isn't stopping.
New Jersey is the eighth state to approve "aid in dying" for terminally ill patients. But similar legislation was defeated in two other states.
The report found 14 states to be in violation of federal Medicaid law as it pertains to abortion coverage.
At least 95 have closed their doors since 2010, and roughly a quarter of the ones left are at risk of shuttering.