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Mattie Quinn

Staff Writer

Mattie covers all things health for Governing. A native of Arkansas, she graduated with her M.S. from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism with a focus on public health reporting. Her work has been published in National Geographic, New York Magazine and The Atlantic.

As once-eradicated diseases return, more and more states are debating legislation that would make it harder, or easier, for parents to not vaccinate their kids.
Years before the Trump administration's family planning changes, the state of Texas cut funding from reproductive health clinics. Low-income women felt the impact the most.
Unless the government gets both issues under control, public health experts say President Trump will never realize his goal of eradicating HIV.
Several states have vowed to sue the Trump administration over its new rules that will withhold federal funding from health clinics that provide abortion services or referrals.
The public comment period for the Trump administration's proposal ends Tuesday. Researchers say "hunger will likely increase" if it takes effect.
Yes, experts say, but an extra dollar or two an hour won't free low-income people from poverty altogether.
Everyone agrees that America’s foster care system needs reform. But some worry the new law may do more harm than good.
In almost every state where ballot measures to expand Medicaid have passed, Republicans have tried to change the voter-approved laws.
While conservative lawmakers push "heartbeat" bills that could challenge Roe v. Wade in court, liberals are pushing legislation that allows late-term abortions during pregnancies with severe health complications.
The parents of at least a quarter of a million kids are at risk of deportation. In case that happens, lawmakers are adding protections -- with bipartisan support -- for the children left behind.