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He Does Know Disasters

I was aware that Michael D. Brown, that is, Brownie, the man who depending on your point of view either botched the feds' response to ...

michael-brown-on-colbert-report-1.JPG I was aware that Michael D. Brown, that is, Brownie, the man who depending on your point of view either botched the feds' response to Hurricane Katrina or served as a convenient scapegoat for it, was working hard to repair his image with the media. Since the disaster, he's been more than generous with the interviews. He even went on the Colbert Report on Comedy Central (click here for video).

But I didn't realize that, in addition to working as a media hound, Brown is also working as a disaster prep consultant to municipalities. Interesting career choice, given the circumstances. Not sure if he's got any actual consulting gigs yet, though he seems to be a popular keynoter at conferences of emergency management officials.

I dunno. Would you hire him?

Christopher Swope was GOVERNING's executive editor.
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