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Alleged Cop-Killer Nabbed at Abandoned Pa. Airport

Despite a massive manhunt, survivalist Eric Frein evaded being captured for more than six weeks.

A massive 48-day manhunt for suspected trooper shooter Eric Matthew Frein ended Thursday evening at an abandoned rural airport, some 40 miles from the state police barracks in Blooming Grove, Pa., where he allegedly ambushed two troopers, killing one and injuring the other. After Frein was captured, he was taken back to the barracks and turned over to state police. Officers used the handcuffs of slain Cpl. Bryon Dickson to secure him and then loaded him into Dickson’s squad car.

“He was placed under arrest and handcuffed with the handcuffs of Cpl. Dickson, which I think is very appropriate,” Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R) said Thursday at a late-night news conference.

The U.S. Marshals Service had a team at the now-defunct Birchwood-Pocono Airpark as part of a regular routine in the search for 31-year-old Frein. Marshals spotted him in an open field near an old hangar and ordered him to surrender. He knelt down, raised his hands and admitted his identity. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said the suspect was “taken by surprise” and arrested without incident.

Daniel Luzer is GOVERNING's news editor.
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