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Judge Denies Bid to Block Maryland's New Gun Law

A federal judge denied a pair of requests Tuesday to suspend key provisions in Maryland’sbrand-new gun-control law, ruling that the plaintiffs had not made the case for the “extraordinary relief” they were seeking.

A federal judge denied a pair of requests Tuesday to suspend key provisions in Maryland’sbrand-new gun-control law, ruling that the plaintiffs had not made the case for the “extraordinary relief” they were seeking.

In denying the temporary restraining orders, U.S. District Court Judge Catherine C. Blake faulted gun-rights advocates for waiting until last week to challenge a law signed in May by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D). The new law, which includes strict licensing requirements for handguns and a ban on purchases of 45 types of assault rifles, took effect on Tuesday, hours before the court hearing.

“This could have been brought months ago and was not,” Blake told lawyers for the plaintiffs, who include gun owners, gun dealers and gun associations.

Blake indicated she would hear fuller arguments on the lawsuits in coming weeks, saying she had not made final decisions about the merits of the two cases.

Gun-rights advocates stressed their fight is not over.


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