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St. Louis Ordinance Aims to Make City More Bike-Friendly

A new bill signed by St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay aims to make the city a more bike-friendly place.

ST. LOUIS — A new bill signed by St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay aims to make the city a more bike-friendly place.

The bill will require development projects of $1 million or more to provide bicycle parking spaces. A signing ceremony was Wednesday at City Hall.

The ordinance was created by the Mayor's Vanguard Cabinet, which consists of young professionals who work in St. Louis.

The bill follows other recent efforts to encourage bicycle use in St. Louis, including the opening last year of the region's first bicycle commuter station. Slay's office says a more comprehensive bike plan will be announced later this year.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.

Dylan Scott is a GOVERNING staff writer.
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