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Planned Parenthood Gets a Republican Ally: Massachusetts Gov. Baker

Massachusetts will plug any holes in the budget of the state chapter of Planned Parenthood if the U.S. Congress moves to block the use of Medicaid funds for treatment at the women's health care organization, Governor Charlie Baker said on Friday.

Massachusetts will plug any holes in the budget of the state chapter of Planned Parenthood if the U.S. Congress moves to block the use of Medicaid funds for treatment at the women's health care organization, Governor Charlie Baker said on Friday.


The move by the Republican governor of a Democratic-leaning state is intended in part to signal the gap between his positions and those of the Republican-controlled Congress, many of whose members oppose Planned Parenthood because the organization provides abortions.


U.S. laws already prohibit federal money from being used for abortion, but currently allow the Medicaid low-income health program to cover other services, such as screening and treatment for cancers and sexually transmitted diseases.


"Governor Baker is a strong supporter of women's health and believes the commonwealth has a responsibility to ensure access to the important health care services offered by Planned Parenthood in all corners of our state," Baker spokeswoman Lizzy Guyton said in a statement. "The administration is prepared to fund these services should the federal government pursue changes that would block care for women and families here in Massachusetts."


Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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