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Feds: Don't Back Off Affirmative Action

The Education Department has sent a strong message to colleges on the Supreme Court’s recent decision about race in college admissions: Keep doing what you’re doing.

The Education Department has sent a strong message to colleges on the Supreme Court’s recent decision about race in college admissions: Keep doing what you’re doing.

The Supreme Court decided 7-1 in June in Fisher v. Texas to send a challenge to the University of Texas’s use of race in admissions back to a lower court for further review, and both supporters and opponents of affirmative action declared victory. Officials from the Education and Justice departments weighed in Friday, saying colleges should continue to consider race in admissions as long as they do so carefully.

But some argued the department’s message of “full speed ahead” was misguided and could lead to even more legal challenges down the line, especially since the Texas case is still in play at the appeals court.

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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