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Is This the End of Chris Christie?

Polls show the New Jersey Governor's popularity dipping amid scandals.

On Election Night, a smiling Gov. Chris Christie walked on stage to the song "Signed, Sealed, Delivered," and thanked New Jersey "for making me the luckiest guy in the world."


Eleven weeks later, two scandals have him on the ropes.

Several recent polls show the governor’s popularity sinking, and on Tuesday, one high-profile Republican said Christie should resign as chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

"He does not serve the goals of the organization by staying as chairman," said Ken Cuccinelli, who lost last year’s race for governor of Virginia, on CNN’s "Crossfire." "And that doesn’t mean any of the charges — political or otherwise — are substantive or not. It doesn’t matter. Perception is reality."

Christie took over in November as chairman of the RGA, an organization that helps raise money for Republican candidates for governor.


Daniel Luzer is GOVERNING's news editor.
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