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Another State Allows Use of Medical Marijuana for PTSD

Arizona's top health official said Wednesday that people authorized to use medical marijuana may soon begin using the drug to relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, if a physician recommends it.

Arizona's top health official said Wednesday that people authorized to use medical marijuana may soon begin using the drug to relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, if a physician recommends it.


The decision by state Department of Health Services Director Will Humble will allow PTSD sufferers, beginning Jan. 1, to use cannabis for palliative care -- but not as a primary treatment for the disorder.


Arizona's medical marijuana law provides two ways patients can use medical marijuana: to treat specific medical conditions or for palliative care -- to make life more comfortable for those suffering from medical ailments.


The decision is a big win for medical marijuana advocates, many whom have long said cannabis is effective in treating PTSD.


In announcing his decision, Humble cited a recent study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs that provides evidence that marijuana may be helpful in the palliative care of PTSD in some patients.

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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