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State, Local Officials React to Affordable Care Act Ruling

What do state and local government officials think about the Supreme Court's decision to uphold most of the federal health-care law? Find out here.

AP/Charles Dharapak
The U.S. Supreme Court decided Thursday to effectively uphold the Affordable Care Act, bringing a two-year battle over the law's constitutionality to an end. The health-care reform law had sharply divided the country: Polls consistently showed divisive opinions among the public, 26 states openly challenged the law in court, while another 13 defended it alongside the Obama administration.

Government officials and politicians at every level are taking to Twitter to sound off on today's decision. Governing's staff is curating a diverse collection of reactions, packaged in the Storify below. We'll be updating it throughout the day, so let us know what we missed in the comments.

Dylan Scott is a GOVERNING staff writer.
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