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Economic Education Goes Mobile

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has created a new mobile app aimed at increasing consumer knowledge about inflation and the use of credit.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has created a new mobile application aimed at increasing consumer knowledge about economics and personal finance. The Econ Ed app educates users through a combination of facts, interactive graphs, experiments and games, focusing the most attention on two issues: inflation and the costs of using credit. You can view inflation data historically and see how factors like interest rates and monthly payments affect how much using credit will cost. The application is the third released by the bank following the launch of previous applications allowing complete access to the

Federal Reserve Economic Databases (FRED) . The app is currently available for free on the St. Louis Fed's website and through the iTunes store for the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch. The Android version is currently in development and will be released in the coming months.

Tina Trenkner is the Deputy Editor for She edits the Technology and Health newsletters.
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