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John O'Leary


John O’Leary leads state and local government research efforts for the Deloitte Center for Government Insights. Prior to joining Deloitte, he served as the vice president of communications and executive reporting with State Street Bank.

O’Leary previously served in multiple senior leadership roles in Massachusetts state government and was a distinguished research fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He is the co-author of the best-selling 2010 book "If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government."

If the data is buried in a computer, it doesn't do much good. Only when data is "mined" can actionable information emerge. In their article,...
In LA, the city has just signed a contract with Google to handle email for 30,000 city employees, a $7.25 million deal that is the largest of...
Public employee pensions can be huge budget busters, as a previous article explored. In today's column, Bill Eggers explores ways to dig out from the...
What if they held an election and nobody came? That pretty much happened in New York City in September. According to the New York Times, "...
Michigan is home to the nation's highest unemployment, and faces a gaping $2.8 billion budget hole. Northwood University's Keith Pretty and Timothy Nash offer five policy...
The movement toward open government is well underway, with the Obama administration leading the charge. The effort is praiseworthy, but the implementation is proving dicey....
Locating parents who are negligent on their child support payments just got a little easier with an innovative approach used by Virginia's Division of Child...
The problem of child support enforcement is a big one. This column highlights Virginia, which found a creative idea that uses a relatively low-tech approach...
A city official once compared managing in City Hall to driving a bus, with one difference. "Every seat is equipped with a brake, so lots...
Wilmington had a problem. Sanitation-related complaints were flooding its Division of Licenses & Inspections (L&I), as neighborhoods were being dragged down by trash left outside...