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“You should never tell a New Jerseyan, ‘It can’t be done,’ because we live for the challenge.”

Judith Vogel, the director of the Stockton Maple Project, a program at Stockton University that produces maple syrup. The project is in its fourth year of producing syrup from the 300 acres of maples surrounding the school. In 2022, New Jersey produced 1,817 gallons of maple syrup, worth $88,000; by contrast, Vermont produces nearly 3 million gallons each year, worth approximately $105 million. (Associated Press — March 24, 2024)

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  • Joe Mellis, regarding the effort it took to compost his father’s body after his death. Just seven states have legalized human composting, including Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, Vermont and New York. In 2027, California will also legalize the practice. (NPR — March 22, 2024)
  • Alabama state Sen. Will Barfoot regarding his legislation banning state funding of diversity, equity and inclusion programs in schools, public colleges and state agencies. Barfoot’s bill, which Gov. Kay Ivey signed on Wednesday, bans eight “divisive topics” that range from the idea that “any race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin is inherently superior or inferior” to the idea that any “individual is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously.” Since 2023, 80 anti-DEI bills have been introduced in 28 states and Congress. Measures have been signed into law in eight states. (NPR — March 20, 2024)
  • Florida state Rep. Sam Garrison, regarding a new law that bans homeless people from sleeping in public spaces. There were an estimated 30,700 homeless people in Florida last year. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill on Wednesday. (Associated Press — March 20, 2024)
  • Bruce Cline, a grain and tobacco farmer in Crofton, Ky., regarding industries’ growing dependence on seasonal workers under the H-2A visa program. A higher proportion of U.S. farms are now relying on contract workers who face demanding jobs and conditions. There have been steps at the federal level to protect migrant workers under the H-2A visa system, but those regulations have strong opponents and there remain no federal rules about heat exposure. (Associated Press — March 19, 2024)
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