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Firearm Mortality Rate, Deaths by State: Map

New data from the CDC reveals an increasing number of Americans die from firearms each year. Both the rates of death and total death count are growing.

Different types of guns on a table.
The back-to-back mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder have refocused national attention on gun violence. Despite struggling with the worst pandemic in a century that shut down much of the country at times, 2020 turned out to be a record year for gun deaths. Nearly 20,000 Americans were killed by firearms, while another 24,000 died by suicide with a gun. The total figure exceeds any other year for at least two decades.
But when firearm mortality is viewed state by state, a strong variation emerges. Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Massachusetts had the lowest death rate of just 3.4 per 100,000 in 2019, the latest year data is available. Alaska and Mississippi are tied for the highest: 24 deaths per 100,000. The following map and table provide specific numbers for each state.
We will update this story as more information becomes available.

The death rate for each state is per 100,000 total population.

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