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William D. Eggers

William D. Eggers


William D. Eggers is the executive director of the Deloitte Center for Government Insights. A noted expert on government reform, he has authored or co-authored nine books, including Bridgebuilders: How Government Can Transcend Boundaries to Solve Big Problems, Delivering on Digital, The Solution Revolution, If We Can Put a Man on the Moon and Governing by Network.

Eggers' writings have won numerous awards, including the Louis Brownlow award for best book on public management, the Sir Antony Fisher award for best book promoting an understanding of the free economy, and the Roe Award for leadership and innovation in public policy research. A former manager of the Texas Performance Review and director of e-Texas, he has advised governments around the world, and his commentaries have appeared in dozens of major media outlets.

The debate surrounding the massive health care system overhaul that has been raging in Washington leaves one thing clear: Redesigning roughly one-seventh of the economy...
The numbers do not lie. States, the federal government and many nations around the globe are facing an existential threat in the form of massive...
How the Obama administration's Open Government Directive can unlock government and open it up to citizens as never before.
Successful public-sector initiatives follow a predictable path.
The stimulus law's transparency requirements are an opportunity for governments to transform themselves permanently.
In less than two decades, the number of Americans 65 and older will more than double in at least 20 states.
Public retirement systems are vastly underfunded, and the fix is quite simple: Costs must either be reduced to solve the problem or deferred to postpone the problem.
Breaking down the larger customer population into subgroups that share similar characteristics allows organizations to service the unique needs of each group more efficiently and effectively, writes William D. Eggers.
Management matters: The manner in which Medicaid is administered significantly affects its performance.
The training grounds for our future public servants, William Eggers writes, are producing lots of future consultants, lobbyists and nonprofit executives.