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Graham Vyse

Staff Writer

Graham Vyse is a staff writer at Governing. He was previously a staff writer at The New Republic, and his writing has appeared in Slate and Washingtonian. His first job in journalism was covering the District of Columbia for the Current Newspapers, where he appeared on “The Fix’s 2015 list of best state political reporters” in The Washington Post. A native of Rhode Island, he received his bachelor’s degree in political science and his master’s degree in journalism from American University. 

Governors' reactions to President Trump's address, which was heavy on immigration but also touched on infrastructure and drug prices, showcased the country’s sharp political divisions.
The state House approved $750 million in tax incentives for the company while teachers protested outside the Capitol.
The White House and Congress now have three weeks to agree on border security -- or the government could shut down again. A bipartisan group of border-state mayors wants more than a wall -- if at all.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors gathered in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to discuss its agenda and tout its members' ability to work across party lines -- even on immigration.
In an anti-union era, nurses may have found a model for effectively organizing labor.
Unrest over education funding and policy is brewing in several cities and states across the country.
Educators in the nation's second-largest school district are set to strike on Monday. The dispute could impact education policy across the country.
This year will see the largest class yet of millennials entering legislatures. How will they shape politics and policies?
The conservative group of lawmakers recently convened in Washington, D.C., to strategize ways to capitalize on the Supreme Court's ruling this year that limited unions' ability to collect fees.