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The Presidents will be missed

Who knew that four dead presidents - all white males, of course - would end up right in the middle of the latest abortion debate? ...

mountrushmore.jpg Who knew that four dead presidents - all white males, of course - would end up right in the middle of the latest abortion debate? You just never can tell what will be the fallout from the passage of any given state law.

After South Dakota passed the strictest abortion law in the country, banning nearly all abortions, the issue hit the fan in the office of the superintendent of Mount Rushmore, according to CNN. Some people called saying they would never visit Mount Rushmore, ever, while others said they were so elated they'd come and stare at the stone guys just because. Tourism is the state's second largest industry, so it's important economically which side does a better job boycotting out of anger versus visiting for support.

People in South Dakota seem to be surprised at the ruckus. I'm surprised they're surprised. But there's a more important issue at stake here. Do the pro-choice people who are avoiding Mount Rushmore at all costs still get to visit the Corn Palace?

Ellen Perlman was a GOVERNING staff writer and technology columnist.
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