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TABOR Tantrum

Colorado's upcoming vote on whether to temporarily suspend its Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) is shaping up as one to watch. There's more at stake ...

Colorado's upcoming vote on whether to temporarily suspend its Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) is shaping up as one to watch. There's more at stake than how much revenue Colorado has to spend. Conservatives around the country have pointed to Colorado's TABOR as a model. As Colorado goes, so may go many Red States.

Given the turmoil between conservative and moderate Republicans in Colorado, it's no surprise that the campaign is turning a bit bitter. marc-holtzman-story-w-text.JPG

Consider an ad being paid for by Marc Holtzman, a Republican candidate for governor in 2006 who is flaunting his conservative credentials. The ad portrays snorting pigs while claiming that if the TABOR referendums pass it will lead to billions of dollars in pork-barrel spending.

The gloves are off, according to the Denver Post. Katy Atkinson, a spokesperson for Vote Yes (a group that wants TABOR suspended), attacked Holtzman: "As a childless, 50-something, never-before-married bachelor, we can understand why Marc Holtzman cares nothing about our schools and our kids." Ouch. At least she didn't accuse him of hating babies, puppies or the American flag.

Holtzman and Atkinson are both Republicans.

Josh Goodman is a former staff writer for GOVERNING..
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