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More California Results

California voters, having rejected every measure on the special election ballot last November, are feeling in a more positive frame of mind, it seems. As ...

California voters, having rejected every measure on the special election ballot last November, are feeling in a more positive frame of mind, it seems.

As mentioned below, the state's anti-sex offender measure will pass overwhelmingly.

As of now, most of the massive infrastructure package that Governor Arnold and the Dem legislature sent to voters is winning approval.

A parental notification measure is narrowly losing at the moment.

The eminent domain measure is barely winning.

Proposition 88, which would have imposed a $50 tax on property parcels for education, is going down by a 4 to 1 margin.

The "clean" campaign finance measure is also going down big time (in early voting).

Alan Greenblatt is the editor of Governing. He can be found on Twitter at @AlanGreenblatt.
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